Corrosion Asset Management Software
Asset integrity management and preservation programs help to ensure reliability, maintainability and availability of critical and complex systems. CONSULEX®’s BASE.COAT® software can simplify and streamline a corrosion control program while providing efficient data retrieval processes and reducing overall costs associated with maintenance and repairs.
After Asset Cataloging is complete, facilities are assessed to determine their relative overall condition. CONSULEX® has trained professionals experienced in condition assessments that will ensure that objective standards are upheld, and data is consistent across an entire facility.
Data mined from condition surveys is prioritized based on relative condition, criticality, appearance, performance, and many other parameters established by CONSULEX®; as part of facility assessments conducted over decades.
As part of the assessment process when entering data into BASE.COAT®, maintenance costs for facilities are calculated. CONSULEX®, team members attention to detail help ensure that cost estimates are accurate and complete.
Prioritizing work is easy when using BASE.COAT®. Customized reporting gives facility owners the power to understand where their budget dollars need to be allocated, now and in the future.
Maintaining this information electronically allows the user to easily prioritize current work requirements and ensure maintenance funding is spent in the most efficient manner. CONSULEX®’s BASE.COAT® also supports the development of long-range maintenance programs and budgets for corrosion control over five or even 10-year maintenance cycles.